Facts About Invisalign That Might Surprise You

Invisalign is a popular brand of clear aligners, but there are still some facts about it that many people don’t know about. From how well Invisalign works to where you can buy Invisalign, these facts are fascinating and will definitely help you understand more about Invisalign and its place in the orthodontic industry. Here are ten facts about Invisalign that might surprise you.

What it is and how it works
The primary difference between Invisalign and other orthodontic treatments is that with Invisalign, patients do not need to remove their braces at night. What’s more, unlike some other types of braces, there’s no gap when you smile because they are virtually invisible. This means people can wear them while they sleep without worrying about how they look to others.

Why you should consider getting it
Dentists recommend Invisalign over traditional braces because it’s more discreet and easier to remove. Since you wear your trays for less time, having them on is generally more comfortable than traditional braces. And unlike metal wires, they don’t need to be adjusted often—only a few times during your treatment period. For all these reasons, patients who have been fitted with aligners say they can go about their daily lives more easily while wearing them.

Who is it for?
Invisalign is for people who want to straighten their teeth and improve their smiles but don’t want to wear a mouthful of traditional metal braces. Invisalign uses a series of aligners that are made just for you, with your exact teeth and bite, so they will fit more comfortably and look more natural than any other option. Made of smooth, comfortable plastic that you won’t even feel when wearing them, they will gradually shift your teeth into place so you can smile with confidence!

What can happen if you don’t wear your aligners
If you wear your aligners for less than 20 hours per day, your teeth will start to shift back toward their original position. Also, if you don’t wear them consistently, your teeth won’t move as quickly or predictably. This can slow down treatment and make it more expensive.

How much does it cost?
Many people assume that clear braces are prohibitively expensive. However, it’s often not nearly as pricey as you might think—and in some cases, clear aligners can even be cheaper than traditional orthodontic treatment. If you want to learn more about what it costs to get a set of invisible braces, visit your local orthodontist and ask for an estimate.

Will insurance cover it?
Most dental insurance policies will not cover Invisalign. The good news is that there are a variety of financing options that can help you pay for treatment, including flex spending accounts, personal savings and credit cards. If you’re concerned about your ability to afford Invisalign, it may be worthwhile to explore these options. Your dentist can discuss these matters with you in detail during your initial consultation.

What if I get braces instead?
The first thing you should know about getting braces is that you have options. Traditional metal braces are called Braces for a reason: they have been used for decades and show no signs of slowing down. But there are other options out there—like invisible braces or clear aligners, for example—that might be better for your lifestyle. A consultation with an orthodontist will help you decide which option is best for you.

What do I need to know before starting treatment?
Before starting treatment, make sure you understand how Invisalign works and what it can (and cannot) do for you. What should I expect from treatment?: One of our orthodontists will give you a customized treatment plan designed just for your teeth and smile goals. Where does treatment start?: Each aligner is worn for about two weeks before being replaced with a new one.

Where can I get them?
So, you’ve heard of Invisalign and have decided that it might be a good choice for your straightening treatment. And why wouldn’t you? No one else has to know that you are even wearing them! But can anyone get these trays? The short answer is yes, but there are certain eligibility requirements that need to be met before considering these clear aligners as an option. […]

What are the alternatives to Invisalign?
If you have misaligned teeth but don’t want to undergo orthodontic treatment, there are other options for correcting your smile. One is a retainer, which uses wire or rubber bands to keep your teeth in place. Another option is to wear a series of removable appliances called aligners, similar to Invisalign’s custom trays.

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